Scoreboard Fundraiser Donation Levels

Rams Champion Donor: $10,000+
This amount could result in a spot (space available, first come basis) on the perpetual sign affixed to the bottom of the scoreboard. Sponsorship will remain through the duration of the scoreboard unless the sponsor/group dissolves.

Rams Community Donor: Any amount $1 – $499
All donors in this range will have their name listed on a banner that will be displayed at the Weller Field Concession Stand for one year. At the conclusion of one year it will be removed.

Rams All Section Donor: $500 – $1,000
All donors in this range will have their name added to the Donor Plaque.

Rams All Conference Donor: $2,500
All donors will have their sponsorship added to the Video Board, if desired, for one year.

Rams All State Donor: $5,000
All donors will have their sponsorship added to the Video Board, if desired, for two years.

Rams All-American Donor: $7,500
All donors will have their sponsorship added to the Video Board, if desired, for three years.

Mail your donation

If you’d like to mail us a donation, click the link below to print and complete the donation form.

Make a donation via PayPal